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Buy college essay proposes essay about critical thinking.
Early one morning at work, CEO Alice Johnson asks if you have a moment to chat. I need your expertise and advice on a complicated situation for the company regarding an international hacking lawsuit. In her office, Alice explains that CyberTech is serving as the cyber forensics consultant for a law firm handling the suit from a 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management, OPM.  
The OPM hack compromised background information on millions of workers. In a related case Anomalous, a non-US gray hat hacking group suspected in the OPM breach case, is claiming that US-based Equation Set attempted to hack its facilities. So we have a non-US and a US set of test hacker groups involved. With Anomalous, the non-US group, being a client plantiff in one case against Equation Set, the US group, and as a suspect in the OPM breach.  
But Alice then outlines why the case is problematic. Along with the OPM victims, CyberTech represents clients from some of the OPM breach suspect companies in unrelated cases, which could appear to be a conflict of interest. This could affect the way our company is perceived by others. We need to maintain our image as an unbiased cyber security consultant.  
Should CyberTech remain on both the OPM breach investigation and the overseas case at the same time? Or should we drop one of the cases? Apply your critical thinking and analytical skills to figure out what happened what we know and don’t know, and how the company might remedy this situation. I’d like a paper by the end of the week with your recommendations.
Buy college essay that must follow this order.
Step 1: Critical thinking and Analysis. Read the case above, then conduct and investigation into a developed critical thinking paper.
Steps 2 Identify the Problem: Focus on determining if a conflict of interested would exist in handling the two cases that might be related and advise how to proceed.  Outline the points that you want to make in the first two sections of the paper. (The introduction part and the explanation) and draft those sections.

Steps 3 Analyze the information: That that we have some understanding of the nature of the breach, gather and analyze information. That is, outline the points that you want to make, and in this section consider other viewpoints, conclusions and solutions.  
Step 4: Consider and Analyze Other Viewpoints, Conclusions, and Solutions: Once you have completed your analysis of the incident, the next step is to analyze alternative viewpoints, conclusion and solution. Apply ethical decision-making and reasoning. Use Randolph Pherson’s “The five habits of the Master thinker” to be use for analysis.  Outline the points you want to make and create an analysis of alternative viewpoints, conclusions, or solutions.
Step 5: Develop Well-Reason Conclusions: Now develop a personal conclusion and suggest remedies so that boss is well-equipped to brief leadership about the situation.  This is more investigative in nature about the facts of the case.  The paper must be concise and a focused paper. Stay to the main points.  And developed a well-versed conclusion.

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