essay requirements

How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

The first section of the entry tests for a Good Argumentative Essay includes questions of logic and general culture. The logic questions for a Good Argumentative Essay do not test the student’s preparation, but his ability to reason and logically connect. For this reason there is no specific program to study, but above all attention, logic and exercise are needed. In the logic test, three types of questions can be found:
A. Logical-verbal reasoning: these are questions that require a good knowledge of the English language, but above all the ability to connect terms through logical reasoning.
B. Solving logical-mathematical problems: these are questions that require reasoning and space-numerical skills, in order to solve a given problem. In this case it is necessary to have some basic knowledge of mathematics.
C. Logical reasoning: it consists of short texts, on various topics, followed by a series of questions. It does not matter to know the passage or the author, since this type of question tests the candidate’s ability to develop a logical deduction.
The logical-verbal reasoning test aims to test the student’s ability in different contexts. Knowledge of the Italian language is not examined; however, if you do not know the meaning of the terms, you cannot make the connections between the various words and the logical reasoning required.

The logical-verbal reasoning is in turn divided into three types:
Search for an etymological or logical relationship between a series of terms
Completion of verbal proportions for a Good Argumentative Essay:
Inserting terms within a piece
Let us now try to define and solve these three types of tests one by one, through some explanatory examples.

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