A narrative summary
Form an overall impression of the photograph, then examine individual items. What do you see?
The somber facial expressions of the soldiers in this black and white image, coupled with the lack of eye contact as they work give an overall feeling of loneliness, death and depression. The abandoned train station also gives a feeling of isolation.
Divide the photograph into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible. Describe those details.
Upon closer inspection the train station is visibly abandoned – scattered over the train yard is heaps of concrete and building rubble. Given the state of destruction it indicates that it has been abandoned for some time.
List the people you see in the photograph.
A Total of sixteen (16) men can be seen in the picture ranging from early twenties to late forties. Two of the men are on horseback – possibly generals. Although all the men are neatly dressed in soldier’s uniforms it looks like it has been some time since they bathed and had a change of clothing.
List the objects you see in the photograph.
Partially destroyed railroad tracks can be seen in the photograph along with ropes, wooden poles and scattered building rubble and concrete of what once was functioning buildings.
List the activities you see in the photograph.
The soldiers in the photograph is busy working together in using ropes and wooden poles to loosen and break apart the railroad tracks.
What are THREE things you can infer from the photograph?
Looking at this photograph I can conclude the following:
– The soldiers are destroying the railroad tracks;
– It has been some time since the soldiers have had a clean change of clothing and a good night’s rest and
– Imagining the amount of physical labor going into destroying the railroad tracks and the fact that all the soldiers are wearing long sleeved jackets this picture was taken in late autumn when the temperatures are cooler.
What THREE questions does this photograph elicit in your mind?
The three questions that comes to mind is:
– Other than using the wooden poles and ropes seen in the photo, how did the soldiers manage to loosen the steel bars of the railroad?
– This photo was taken in Atlanta on Sherman’s march to the sea – was there other groups of soldiers also working on destroying railroads?
– Who was the photographer who took the picture – was it a fellow soldier?
What does this photograph tell us about the lives of the people who lived during this time?
Essay for me means that I was looking at this photograph this picture was taken in a time of great uncertainty. The people who lived during this time were well disciplined in following orders and in standing up for what they believed in. Essay for me shows that this picture is taken during the civil war it is also known that people had to flee their houses and farms while their land and crops were burned, and livestock taken by the soldiers. Families suffered great financial loss, this was a time of great poverty, hunger and sadness for the people of this time.
Essay for me is a narrative summary that explains what the image might mean.
Tired and hungry the men continue to break apart the railroad – bit by bit, piece by piece. It will soon be dark and then the cold will remind them once more of a life they all miss so much, a life before the war.
But Sherman’s strategy must be fulfilled – cutting the main railroad lines. This is the only way general Hood will be forced to abandon Atlanta. Sherman’s march to the Sea must continue and Atlanta must burn….