Marketing Essay Help shows that specialists in the field of marketing have long argued among themselves which definition more accurately reflects the essence of marketing. Here are just a few of them:
“Marketing is the art and science of choosing the right market, attracting, preserving and increasing the number of consumers by creating the buyer’s confidence that he represents the highest value for the company”, as well as an “orderly and focused process of understanding consumer problems and regulating market activities”. (Philip Kotler).
Marketing is the implementation of actions aimed at achieving the organization’s goals by foreseeing the needs of the buyer or client and channeling the flow of satisfying these needs of goods and services from the producer to the buyer or client. There are a lot of definitions of marketing, but most of them are too complex and sometimes do not give a clear and clear idea of marketing. (E. Jerome McCarthy)
American Marketing Association (AMA): “Marketing is the process of planning and applying the concept, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services, with the goal of building transactions that meet the goals of individuals and organizations.”
Worldwide Marketing Association (WMA): “Marketing is the essence of a business philosophy that guides the process of recognizing and satisfying the needs of individuals and organizations through transactions beneficial to all parties.”
Marketing Institute (England): “Marketing is the managerial process of recognizing, waiting, and meeting the needs of customers in a profitable way.”
There are many definitions, and, in my opinion, none of them reflects the very essence of marketing. Most experts agree that marketing is a process of satisfying needs. But is it? After all, if you think, in the modern world, the consumer can satisfy his needs in anything without you. And now, in your absence in the market, he is unlikely to experience problems in meeting his needs. Restaurants, cars, carbonated water, game consoles, mobile phones, and so on. Is the consumer experiencing any of the above need, which you can only satisfy? Of course not! Every consumer has something to eat, something to drink, somewhere to rest, to travel on something, and he solves all these problems perfectly without your help. Perhaps all these definitions were once relevant, but not in the current highly competitive world.
In my opinion, the strategy and tactics of interaction with a competitor, anticipating the thoughts and desires of a buyer or client – that’s what marketing is.
Marketing in the modern world is fighting against competitors, but not in the market, but in the mind of the consumer. After all, it is in the consumer’s head that a decision is made as to whether he or she needs any goods or services. It is to the consumer’s head that advertising information from billboards, TV, radio speakers or the Internet, at last, is constantly received. It is there, having weighed all the pros and cons, evaluating the quality of the goods or services, and dozens (or even hundreds) of other factors, a decision is made about the need / need for something. And it is there that all interactions with your competitors occur. Not in the market, not in the office, not on the shelves, but in the mind of the consumer! And, until you cope with the competitors in the mind of the consumer, you will not be the winner in the market.