Case Study
Case Study will be a little different from the next two coming up in this course. This case study will not be based upon a case that I provide to you; it will be based upon your own personal experiences.
The purpose of this case study is to examine your own conflict styles, identify conflict models within the conflict, and identify the goals of the conflict.
Get creative in your analysis and justification of what models fit and the conflict styles. Back up your assessment with empirical sources. If you think a conflict style is obvious or understood based on the summary of the scenario, assume I didn’t comprehend it. Spell out all the concepts covered in this course and clearly explain them in your paper. In this paper, you are to illustrate that you understand the concepts and then demonstrate that you know how they apply in a real life scenario.
I am giving you free reign to discuss a conflict in your life. The conflict scenario must be twofold: 1) It must involve two parties and 2) You must be one of the parties.
The conflict can be about anything as long as you meet the two requirements mentioned. Discuss work, colleagues, bosses, relationships, friendships, an interaction with a stranger, etc.
The topic of the conflict does not matter; however, make sure the conflict has enough content to discuss the various conflict styles, models, goals, interests, etc.
If you don’t have any conflict to talk about and never get into arguments, do you have an avoidance conflict style? Are you avoiding/accommodating your disputes? Does the other party view it as a conflict and you don’t? Write about that.
You have options and free reign. Make the best of it.
Thoroughly explain the conflict scenario. Keep the explanation and summary concise and a maximum of 1 page.
Cause of Conflict:
What theory explains the cause of the conflict? I know that all conflicts do not fit neatly into a box; however, illustrate to me a theory that most accurately explains the conflict.
Conflict style:
Articulate what your role in the conflict style is/was. Describe the other party’s conflict style. Was this the best choice of conflict style? Would another style have been more beneficial?
Conflict Model:
What model depicts your conflict scenario? What model could be used to help understand the situation or lead to resolution?
Goals and interests:
What are the goals and interests of the conflict in terms of C.R.I.P.? Did the goals inhibit the conflict? What could have been done to help identify the goals more quickly?
Provide a quick outcome of the resolution and what you could have done to achieve a better resolution. For example, quicker resolution, better alternative solution, what approach or outlook could have helped, etc. If the conflict is not resolved yet, explain an approach to help you resolve the conflict. If it is completely hopeless and you do not see a way to resolve the conflict, bluntly explain why and provide empirical justification that it is a zero sum outcome.