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Cheap paper writing service helps to formulating a business plan which involves unmanned aerial system, or UAS, developing a concept of operations to include administrative aspects, flight data, mission data, and safety data, is vital. In relation to the search and rescue business, DroNEx, that I have created, in order to save lives, it is necessary to address and plan for all scenarios. By deciphering what unmanned aerial system is best suited to perform the task, as well as formulating plans for everyday use, as well as emergencies, my business has a higher chance at being successful in its missions to search, rescue, and save lives.
The first aspect to address is what unmanned aerial system will be utilized to complete the mission of the business. Cheap paper writing service helps deciding which airframe to integrated into my search and rescue business, I found the Albatross, pictured as Image 1 in the appendix a. Equipped with the Orion HD50-MV camera, as well as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and nose camera, this fixed-wing aircraft with provide my business with an excellent basis for searching and rescuing individuals. The higher cruising speeds and longer endurance will ensure the mission can be completed with out, or with less interruptions for refueling or recharging. The Orion HD50-MV includes an electro-optical (E/O) camera and infrared (IR) camera, which will provide both colored images and heat signatures. Cheap paper writing service helps trying to locate a person, looking for this heat signature using the IR camera will be helpful, followed by utilizing the colored imagery, via the E/O camera, in order to verify that it’s the individual in question. Utilizing SAR, the area could be mapped out for rescuers, as well as noting any man-made changes in the environment, and looking through smoke and clouds. The nose camera would be utilized for the actually flying of the UAS, in order to ensure avoiding obstacles and monitoring weather. A boxed ground control station will allow for easy transport of the system, and allow for manual flight, as well as setting up an auto-piloted flight path. In order to ensure qualified operators, as the business will operate under Part 107, each operator will be required to obtain a Remote Pilot Airman Certificate with a small UAS rating. No spotters will be necessary, as the type of area being searched may include trees and other obstacles that may make it impossible for spotters to even locate the UAS. Because fixed-wing UAS require a larger launch and recovery footprint and this is not always possible in the areas where the business would be conducting search and rescue missions, a catapult system will be utilized. As will most UAS, clear skies, and no inclement weather will be required to conduct the missions, though, with SAR, it may be possible. Visionair software will be utilized to plan the mission and set waypoints, as it is includes the following features: “suitable for fixed-wing, helicopter or multi-rotor UAVs and targets, main Flight Modes: Auto, Manual, Fly-To, Hold (Hover), Safe (Return To Base), Fully Auto Take-Off, Fully Auto Landing, Camera Control Modes: Air, Ground, Geo, Pilot View, Stow, Rate (with integrated video display), Waypoints: 100 max.” (“GCS Software”,n.d.). Being suited to be used for fixed-wing aircraft, as well as having multiple flight modes, camera modes, and a large number of waypoints will allow any search and rescue mission to be planned.
As for the flight data, the mission will depend on the area requiring searching. Cheap paper writing service helps take as long as necessary, until the individual is found and rescued. In order to prove my operations, I will use the example of Taos Ski Resort as the mission area. With “1294 acres of terrain” (“Taos Ski Valley”, n.d.), in an oval shape, a systematic path of flying in a circular pattern with 250 meter diameters, and implement a raster scan, pictured in the appendix a as Image 2. This raster scan approach can be used for any search area, though. If the mission takes longer than the endurance of the UAS, telemetry may alert the operator of the need for recharging. In Taos, with an approximate endurance of two hours for the chosen UAS, and a cruising speed of 40 to 90 miles per hour (“Albatross UAV Kit”, n.d.), the entire area should be able to be searched, without recharging. However, if the individual is not located for some reason the first time, the mission may require the UAS to be recharged and flown again. The radio frequency utilized in the manual controller will be 2.4 GHz, because it has good range and reliability. In order to communicate, local air traffic control radio frequencies will be used. In Taos, these frequencies will be in the Albuquerque Center Sector, and for low altitudes are 132.800 and 124.325. (“Airport Detail: KABQ”, n.d.). In Taos, the UAS will fly from the surface, which is approximately 9000 feet above sea-level to 12000 feet above sea-level, up to 5000 feet above that. This means that the highest the UAS will go is approximately 17,000 feet above sea-level. Maintaining visual line of sight will probably not be possible in this instance, because of the several mountain and valleys on the resort. With the mission software, the UAS will be able to land if it becomes lost-link. The landing area will be predetermined and will remain clear. For Taos, a flat area, near the resort center will be utilized and kept free of obstacles, which is also where it will be launched and recovered at.
Cheap paper writing service helps complete the mission, which is to locate and aid in the rescue an individual, the UAS will be taking full motion video while flying. This provides an aerial view of the area, which can help to get a more advantageous view of the area, especially when the environment is hazardous or remote. In order to fly within 5 miles of an airport, prior authorization must be made with the local air traffic control. In order to complete the mission, the worst weather conditions may not exceed less than one nautical mile of visibility, more than twenty mile per hour winds, and thunderstorm at least five nautical miles away. Other aircrafts and trees will mostly likely be the biggest obstacles faced when using UAS for my search and rescue business, however weather may become problematic as well. Overall, the use of this fixed-wing UAS will prove to provide the best results for my search and rescue business.