How to write an organisational report
How to write an organisational report:
Select an organisation you believe to be an example of a corporate entrepreneurship success story or failure. Using the diagnostic framework of entrepreneurial practices, Mosey et al, (2017, p120), conduct an evaluation of the corporate entrepreneurship performance of this organisation over the last 5 years (approx 1000 words). Within this section you should:
Give an overview of the innovative performance of the firm over the last 5 years.
If the firm is multinational or multi-divisional, justify a focus upon one country and / or division. Present a diagnosis of the entrepreneurial practices for that 5 year period by addressing one of the following two areas:
o Explain whether existing capabilities can deliver appropriate types of innovation
o Explain how people are recruited and rewarded for entrepreneurship
o Explain how innovation challenges are identified
o Explain how entrepreneurship is practised with external stakeholders
o Explain how the organisation is structured for entrepreneurship
o Explain what organisational processes support or constrain entrepreneurship
o Explain how the organisation manages uncertainty and failure
o Explain how the organisation reconciles exploratory and exploitative learning
Building upon your diagnosis, design a corporate entrepreneurship change programme for this organisation (approx 500 words). This should:
• Consider one area where your organisation’s practices have historically underperformed and explain how these practices could be improved, removed or performed in a different way.
• Be written for a senior manager from that firm to act upon.
• Build upon relevant sources of evidence such as the result of your diagnostic, approaches used by comparator firms and research from empirical journal articles and reputable online sources.
The total word limit for the coursework is 1,500 words.
Assessment deadlines/dates
The deadline for coursework submission is 3 pm on Tuesday 15th December 2020
Marking guide
Reports that gain higher marks will:
• Convince the reader to act.
• Provide evidence of reading around the topic and show a good understanding of the key concepts
• Include relevant theory and evidence and reference sources accurately.
• Critically discuss different viewpoints with arguments carefully developed and clearly explained
• Show originality of thought
• Have a clear structure and presentation