Linguistics universals
Linguistics universals exercise is to give you practice citing data and explaining cross-linguistic variation and how it connects to features, giving you more practice exploring WALS. Now do each of the following.
i. Using WALS, choose a morphological/syntactic linguistics universals feature. Click on that feature and read the text associated with that feature. Using the text, provide a summary of the cross-linguistic variation of that feature in your own words. Include examples for at least one language per type.
ii. Of the different possibilities described for that feature, choose one which you find unusual or interesting. Describe what you find unusual or interesting about it.
iii. View the map and choose a language which has the property you identified in (ii). The language you choose must be different from the one that is provided as an example for that feature in the corresponding WALS text. In other words, the language should not be one already discussed.
iv. Find a descriptive grammar of the language and try to find the relevant data for the feature you identified above. If you cannot find the data you need in the grammar, you might have to look for other references. WALS might have info about the relevant references.
v. Write down any relevant data/examples and discuss anything unusual or interesting that you may have been able to find in the grammar with respect to the feature. For every example used in the assignment, provide proper glosses and translations.
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