Market Structure and Trading Systems – Coursework Assignment Instructions
Prepare a reflective assessment of your trading with TraderEx. The essay should reflect what you have learned from the trading simulations when you perform the following tasks:
• buy 500 units of stocks in both the continuous order driven market and the dealer market (no need to close the position by the end of the trading session).
• buy 500 units of stocks in both the continuous order driven market and the dealer market, and close the position by the end of the trading session.
To do this, you need to analyze data from your own trading history (downloaded from TraderEx), demonstrate your understanding of trading strategies and consid- erations of relevant trading issues (such as, but not limited to, profits/loss, risk etc). Your discussions should be based on your data analysis and critical reflection of own trading behaviour, and should link your personal observations with theory and empirical evidence from the literature whenever possible.
The following provides a guide to the marking scheme used to assess essay quality: 70 to 100% – Excellent Pass. An excellent answer should be outstanding in most respects. It should show a high level, detailed, accurate, rigorous, and critical analysis of own trading behaviour. It should have sustained and coherent arguments in a style that is fluent. It should demonstrate an excellent knowledge and understanding of the relevant trading issues and the related literature. There should be few errors or omissions.
60 to 69% – Good Pass. A good quality essay should have many, if not all, the features distinguishing an excellent essay. It should include sound data analysis and sufficient evidence of self-questioning and discussions of own trading. It should reflect a good understanding of relevant trading issues and related literature. Essays in this class should contain few errors or omissions.
50 to 59% – Pass. A pass quality essay should give some evidence of self-reflection of own trading. The analysis and discussion of trading issues and related literature are satisfactory and relevant. However, reflection may be incomplete, while analysis and discussion could be restricted. Evidence may be unbalanced or of dubious relevance with a tendency to excessive generalisation or unsupported assertions of a subjective nature. This class is also appropriate where much of the content seems worthy of a higher grade but where poor organisation, syntax, etc., obscures the answer. There are some errors or omissions.
40 to 49% – Fail. A fail quality essay may be characterised by weak data analysis, lack of self-questioning, poor understanding of trading issues and related literature. The discussions may also be descriptive with excessive generalisation, incoherent arguments and serious errors of expression.
Below 40% – Poor Fail. Work in this class has little data analysis, fails to reflect own trading, and relies on a minimal range of detail, analysis, and/or referred material. It may be poorly structured and planned, and might fail to provide sufficient evidence that the concerns of the course have been understood. It may contain extensive errors or omissions.