Writing essays for money online
Writing essays for money online means that from its cover, you might guess that Zinn’s book (1980/2003) is a typical history of the United States from Columbus to the year 2000. But, within the first few pages it becomes clear that there is something radically different about it. While it is written (mostly) in the third person and presents what happened in chronological order like most histories, Zinn includes the voices and perspectives of people who are usually dismissed or ignored. Zinn’s approach is best captured in the following passage, “The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you don’t listen to it, you will never know what justice is” (p. 10). In essence, Zinn constructs a history from the perspective of those who found themselves on the losing side of American ‘progress’ in all of its many forms—namely, the Native Americans, the enslaved Africans, and the poor.
Writing essays for money online means that drawing primarily on Zinn’s book (1980/2003), write a critical essay in which you explore the relationship between economics (or the drive to create wealth), AND racism (or the drive to dominate non-white peoples) and their strangely symbiotic role in the conquest of and development of North America from Columbus’s ‘discovery’ through the Civil War. Along the way (or in a separate section, if you prefer), address how Zinn’s version of history differs from what you learned in school (or believed to be the case prior to living in the US)? Provide specific examples from Zinn as much as possible. Also, avoid speaking in platitudes or generalities. This means that you will need to take great care to select pivotal historical events from the book and retell them in such a way that they illustrate your thesis. Once you have identified your examples, you may find that you need more information. Feel free to use additional sources (including your high school textbook) as needed!
Writing essays for money online means that your task in this assignment is to use two or more of the disciplines we have covered or will cover over the past two weeks (Geography and its sub-disciplines; Cartography; History; Anthropology) to propose a method for solving a particular type of problem. Additionally, you will provide a brief overview of the disciplines you have chosen.
Writing essays for money online means that the format and guidelines for the paper are as follows: approx. 2-3 pages in length; 12 point font; a conservative, standard font type (Times New Roman, Arial etc.); 1-inch margins; double spaced.
Your name should go at top right of paper. Just below it and identifier for the assignment (e.g. Assignment #1, Review #1)
Writing essays for money online means that your paper should contain a brief introductory statement indicating the problem you have chosen and the disciplines you will be using.
Writing essays for money online means that your first paragraph should contain a summary of the discipline and its methodology, followed by a subsequent paragraph summarizing your second discipline (and an additional paragraph for each subsequent discipline if used).
The remainder of the paper should contain a brief proposal of how you might utilize each discipline’s methods to collect data useful for solving the problem, and then propose an integrated approach of the disciplines to create a study or resolution of the problem.
Please choose one of the following problems as a basis for your paper:
1. Examining reasons for a high crime rate in a particular urban neighborhood
2. The design of a business proposal for a new shopping center
3. An explanation of changing voting trends in a rural district
4. How to distribute technology funding among competing schools in a given school district