Module Learning Outcomes: A critical self-reflection of buyer behavior
Me, myself and I: A critical self-reflection of buyer behaviour
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A. Introduction:
This module is all about understanding consumer buyer behaviour.
While you may not all have direct experience of marketing in terms of practice within an organisation, the one thing we all have experience of is being consumers.
Given this, the coursework and essay writing for this module is all about understanding your buying behaviour. In this essay writing you will use insight from your consumption activities, along with the theories and research we cover in this module, to engage in some critical self-reflection about your buyer behaviour.
Specifically, in this essay writing you will select products and/or services which you have purchased over the last 12 months from ONE of the following categories:-
1. Food
2. Drink
3. Clothing
4. Accessories (such as, sunglasses, handbag, bag, hat)
5. Entertainment (such as, theatre/cinema/music concert tickets, subscriptions to Netflix & Amazon)
B. Module Learning Outcomes Assessed for essay writing:
Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the influences on customer buying behaviour, especially in the context of your own buyer behaviour.
2. Critically evaluate customer behaviour theories and models, especially those relating to individual and your own decision making.
3. Identify the implications of customer behaviour for future marketing activities and recommend appropriate segmentation and marketing strategies and activities for organisations.
4. Effectively communicate ideas verbally, in writing, and, in graphic form.
C. Detailed Poster Presentation Brief: (don’t worry about this part as I will do it myself)
For the poster presentation you need to create a poster (A2 or A3), which should be used as a prompt to, and shown in the background of, the presentation. The presentation should only show you presenting the poster, we don’t accept Powerpoint or Prezi presentations that do not show a student presenting their poster.
The poster presentation in essay writing (i.e. poster and verbal presentation) should be no longer than 10 minutes and it should cover the following:-
PART 1. SEGMENTATION (2-3 minutes)
For your chosen products/services you need to identify the segmentation and customer profile characteristics which best match you as a consumer. For this part, you could use the following segmentation characteristics:-
– Demographic
– Psychographic
– Behavioural
– Geographic
You may also wish to use specific segmentation models in essay writing, such as VALS, ACORN and MOSAIC to identify your customer profile characteristics. Or, you may wish to consider the innovation diffusion process to identify whether you are an innovator or laggard. Alternatively, you may want to identify your segmentation and customer profile characteristics along themes such as levels of involvement and whether you adopted a rational or experiential perspective.
In this instance you are the case study and you need to identify, justify and critically discuss/apply a buyer behaviour model (or synthesis of models) which best explains your buyer behaviour when you purchased your chosen products/services.
Following on from part 2, you need to present what you believe are the key influences on your buyer behaviour, in the context of your chosen products or services. These may be:-
– Individual influences
– Group influences
– Marketing or media influences
– Other influences you feel are appropriate
While broad guidance is given above (along with suggested timings) and you must address all 3 parts in your presentation, the nature of this task is highly personal. As such, you have the freedom to decide how you wish to approach each of these 3 parts in the assignment.
Nonetheless, there must be a high level of self-evaluation and clear relationships to aspects of the theory covered in the module and in the consumer behaviour literature. In other-words, you must ensure that you apply consumer behaviour theory and research to understand your own buyer behaviour, and that you correctly cite these sources using Harvard referencing.
D. Scoping Document Brief: ( I want you to do your best doing this part)
To support the poster presentation you will also need to develop a scoping document.
The scoping document must:-
– be 2,000 words maximum (+/-10%, excludes annotated reference list)
– support and link to the poster presentation
– reflect on your own buyer behaviour through critically evaluating theory which is most relevant to your behaviour
– include an annotated reference list which identifies the most relevant authors to the poster presentation and scoping document.
Specifically, your scoping document should follow the basic structure described below, although marks will be awarded for creatively structured and written reports:-
a. Title page – which includes the title and your candidate number
b. Introduction – which clearly states the aim and purpose of the document, your chosen products/services/category, and, any relevant context to the specific issues you wish to discuss (around 200 words)
c. Critical reflection of your buyer behaviour – here you need to revisit and recap what you covered in your poster presentation, in terms of your critical reflections about segmentation, relevant buyer behaviour models and key influences on your buyer behaviour. This section should very clearly be informed by critical evaluation and application of relevant theory and research (around 800 words)
d. Recommendations for future segmentation & marketing strategies – while this has not been covered in your poster presentation, in your scoping document you should provide recommendations for ways in which your chosen products/services/category could improve their segmentation and marketing strategies based on your key findings (around 800 words)
e. Conclusion – briefly summarise your conclusion (around 200 words).
f. Annotated reference list – within your reference list ensure that you annotate the most relevant authors to your argument and presentation. To that end you will need to describe in one or two sentences below a selected number of references why the ideas or concepts presented in the work were important in constructing your argument.